Bully Awareness & Prevention Month at Black Belt Academy
Are your children experiencing Bullying at their school? Statistics tell us that in almost every class there is bullying
happening. Only 5% of this actually gets witnessed by a supervising adult! February is Bully Awareness & Prevention Month. During
our Buddy Event on February 12th, we will be teaching Bully Prevention.
Call 604 590-5425 to Register – FREE for first 10
Space is limited for this Karate Kids Seminar!
Ages 7+ During this seminar, your children will learn how to have confidence when dealing with a bully. The instructors will discuss how to handle themselves, what to say and what to do when Bullying happens.
One of the main reasons I started martial arts was due to being bullied in elementary school. Because I didn’t know exactly the best way to handle things, certain events from my past are still with me today! Don’t let that happen to your child.

Karate Kid Bully Prevention Oath
I will not Bully Others!
I will try to help other kids who are being Bullied!
I will try to include other kids who are being left out!
If I know another kid is being bullied, I will tell an Adult!
Submitted by
Scott Karpiuk, 7th Degree Black Belt
Academy Director, BA Education