
Our videos deliver valuable information to our students.

Master Karpiuk Show

Master Karpiuk Show Episode 7. What to expect at a Belt Exam.

Master Karpiuk Show Episode 6 Tournament of Champions Review!

Tournament of Champions Review and importance of tournament competition. PLUS MORE!

Master Karpiuk from Florida Tournament!

Master Karpiuk from Florida Class "A" tournament!

Chief Master Karpiuk Celebrates 40 Years with the ATA!

Chief Master Karpiuk Celebrates 40 Years with the ATA!

Chief Master Karpiuk Show – Monday Update December 11th

Chief Master Karpiuk Show - Monday Update December 11th

December Upcoming Events

Upcoming December Events including Belt Exam and Goal Setting Saturday information.

Part Two – What to do when your child doesn’t want to come to class.

Part 2 What to do when your childs doesn't want to come to class.

What to do if your Child doesn’t want to come to class…Part 1.

What do you do when your child says they don't want to go to class? Or when they argue with you about doing something? Chief Master Karpiuk gives some practical tips he as learned over the years to help parents when this challenge arises. More Resourses:

How it all started. Chief Master Karpiuk Episode 1

How it all started...Learn how and why Chief Master Karpiuk started martial arts.
