From Tiger to Master Instructor and Beyond!
A few Saturday’s ago, I was privileged to Judge at a Regional Testing. It was at this event I was able to watch some of my longtime students. Some from Tiger to Master instructor and Beyond! I was so proud of the testing and performance by Master Michael Bennett and Mr. Geoff Mysynuk.

Both started with me when very young. Michael began his training with his younger brother around age 5. He is now a 6th Degree Black Belt Master Instructor. He is the youngest ATA Master Instructor in Canada! Besides his accomplishments as a high ranking Black Belt, he has also chosen ATA martial arts for his career path. He works full time for his parents whom I also started training in the ’90’s.
I was also proud to watch Mr. Geoff Mysynuk test. He is a 4th Degree Black Belt in taekwondo with a degree in another martial art as well. Geoff started training along with his mother (who is still training into her 80’s!) at one of my first clubs. Geoff has maintained teaching a club in the community of Richmond for many decades.
Both of these men are married with children. Thanks to ATA martial arts they have not only learned the art of taekwondo, but more importantly confidence and perseverance. The qualities and characteristics have helped them from Tiger to Master Instructor and Beyond without a doubt! Are these qualities you are looking for your family? If so, don’t hesitate and contact us right away. The sooner your family starts their journey with our academy in Newton, Surrey BC, the sooner they will start to receive these benefits and more.

40th Anniversary Special!!!
I am celebrating my 40th Anniversary in ATA martial arts this year. It was just last month, that 40 years ago I tested for my Yellow Belt! I can still remember that day. The feeling of nervousness and almost needing to toss my lunch up. But I made it and stuck with it. To commemorate my anniversary we are offering the following:
$40 for 4 Weeks of Lessons*
*Some restrictions apply. But not many! Must be a new student and at least 5 years old.
CALL NOW – 604 590-5425
EMAIL ME – ma****@su*************.com
You will be glad you did. But hurry. This is a limited offer with limited space.
Submitted by
Chief Master Scott Karpiuk
Academy Director
8th Degree Black Belt, BA Education