Yes…In Person Classes are On!
Happy New Year everyone! We realize that many families have been struggling with illness over the Christmas Break. Classes started back this week and Yes…In Person Classes are On! But we are also offering our online zoom option to our students. This way we can keep our staff and student body safe. If you or your family members are experiencing ANY symptoms, we ask that you stay home and workout online.
As regular in person school gets set to return next Monday, this is a great opportunity for In Person Classes. Black Belt Academy agrees with Dr. Henry that in person lessons are essential for the well being of our children. And that the risk is low for them to become seriously ill.
To help ensure the safest environment possible, we ask that all students wear a mask to and from their workout spot. Spectators are limited to parents of Tiger age children for now. Remember to “check-in” with an assistant instructor and use hand sanitizer. Thanks for continuing to use physical distancing in the academy at all times.
This semester our theme is “Discipline”. Discipline is to Obey what is Right. The new video curriculum has been uploaded to our Private Facebook Group. Please make sure that you have requested membership into the Facebook Group. It has the latest news and events! Plus lots of helpful videos and tips.

We have limited space for new students. To register, click on the link or call us directly at 604 590-KICK (5425). Now is the best time to get started. Physical exercise is one of the best ways to keep your family healthy. Plus, we guarantee better grades for your child.
“Better Grades, Fitness and Family Fun Since 1991!”
Submitted by
Scott Karpiuk
Sr. Master Instructor, 7th Degree Black Belt
BA Education