Summer Martial Arts – Early Registration Savings!
Summer Martial Arts at ATA Black Belt Academy is an excellent activity choice for your child, to help guide him/her on the right path for physical fitness, discipline, and structure. The greatest part, for both you and your child, is that it’s FUN for everyone. As parents, we all want what’s best for our children, and provide them with every tool available to succeed in life. When kids learn these important life skills, it gives them the expertise to deal with and overcome life’s challenges. They can get better grades in school, learn how to deal with bullies, communicate with friends and family, and become more confident in all activities.
Summer Martial Arts – Eraly Registration Savings! Register before June 15th
Register before June 15th and you will not only get $150.00 off, you will recieve these bonuses: FREE Uniform, Water Bottle and Summer T-Shirt.
Regular training also promotes awareness and personal responsibility for body maintenance, and helps students choose their diets better. These exercises are also useful weapons to prevent or remedy abuse of harmful substances such as alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc.
They can get better grades in school, learn how to deal with bullies, communicate with friends and family, and become more assertive in all activities. Martial Arts students typically become confident, capable, and self-reliant leaders as their training progresses. They develop helpful values and skills over time through continual practice. By showing respect to their teachers and classmates, learning to listen and respond properly, and being “open” to learning new things, their improved attitudes and actions make them better students – with higher grades – and more capable leaders.
BLACK BELT ACADEMY IS FOR YOU! Since 1991 we have been helping families set and reach their goals in Fitness, Self Defense and Family Fun. We help our students to develop the self-confidence, the discipline and skills to become who they were born to be. Our Leadership Program has helped develop students into teachers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and many other successful walks of life!
Newton Freshco Plaza 604 590-5425
Sign Up Now for Early Summer Registration Savings!
Submitted by
Chief Master Karpiuk, 8th Degree BB
Academy Director, BA Education